(#54) How to start before you’re ready



If you are currently holding back on getting started on your dreams and goals due to fear, self-sabotage, comparison or lack of clarity, then the 3 rules Tiwalola shares in this episode will get you moving in no time.

Confidence isn't a prerequisite to action, it's a by-product of it. This episode will teach you how to still make progress in the midst of fear and uncertainty.


00:00 - Introduction

2:19 - Confidence killers stopping you from starting

05:25 - Rule 1: How to start when you don't feel good enough

10:45 - Rule 2: How to stop waiting for the perfect moment and just start

16:53 - Rule 3: How to start even when the future isn't certain and you don't have clarity


“The feeling of readiness that you’re looking for comes after you begin not before. The more action you take, the clearer the path becomes and the more ready you feel”


(#47) What if I fail?... Ok and so what! 5 ways to embrace failure