(#47) What if I fail?... Ok and so what! 5 ways to embrace failure



It’s time to finally get over your fear of failure once and for all. There are so many positive things that can come out of failure, it's time to embrace it and give it a new meaning. Failure doesn’t have to be the end of the road or mean you’re not good enough. Failure can be stepping stones to success so let's get into how to make failure work for you!


0:00 - Introduction

1:02 - Episode overview - Understanding fear and the 2 choices we have to avoid failure or embrace it

4:20 - What happens when you avoid failure

7:01 - 1st benefit of embracing failure - failure points to your biggest strengths

9:36 - 2nd benefit of embracing failure - failure moves you forward

11:30 - 3rd benefit of failure - failure makes you more creative

14:15 - 4th benefit of failure - failure makes you more confident

18:38 - 5th benefit of failure - failure makes you more empathetic

20:14 - Episode recap


“Confidence is not an absence of fear, confidence is feeling the fear but doing it anyways.”


(#54) How to start before you’re ready


(#48) Break Free From People Pleasing and Reclaim Your Self-worth